We Need YOU!
FCC is a non-profit faith-based facility and we rely on donations to operate. We are always looking for churches and individuals to partner with whether it is a one-time donation or a donation on a regular basis. These donations help us reach our goal to advance the Kingdom by pointing others to Christ by providing all who come the opportunity to experience the love of Christ and to be refreshed after spending time here. FCC is in need of some upgrades and renovations around the facility and that is why we need YOU. We have a few projects that we are in need of financial assistance for. We also realize you can’t do it all by donating to everything, but please do pray about it, talk to your small group, your church’s mission group, or your church leadership and anyone else that you think may want to partner with FCC to sponsor a bed, cabin or roof.
Sleep On It!
Our first project is SLEEP ON IT! - We hope to put all new mattresses - mattress covers, pillows - pillow covers on each bed in the Cushman Chapel. We are looking for sponsors! For only $125 we can get a new bed set for the beds in the chapel bunkroom. We need 22 bed sets to replace the ones we have now. Would you be willing to donate a bed set? Do you have a Sunday School class willing to donate a bed set or two? How about your church, would they be willing to sponsor a few bed sets? Whether it is one set or more, it will be so greatly appreciated! Before you decide, you can "SLEEP ON IT" and let us know.
Cabin Refresh!
Our next project is CABIN REFRESH - if you have seen the cabins lately you know they are due for some paint to cover all of the "autographs" left by previous campers. We also want to put plywood ceilings in the cabins to prevent rambunctious campers from using the rafters as monkey bars. It will also help a great deal with the heat in the summer. We are hoping to raise enough for all three cabins to receive a fresh coat of paint on the bunk beds and cabin walls as well as the plywood ceiling to be installed. We will also be adding a chalkboard paint wall in the cabin entry for all of the campers “autographs” and encouraging words from the counselors. Would you like to sponsor a ceiling? Some paint? Or a whole CABIN REFRESH? Pray about it, do you feel “REFRESH”ed? Any amount donated will be used and greatly appreciated.
Raise the Roof!
Now for our big project, RAISE THE ROOF! The Chandler House is in desperate need of a new roof. For those of you who don’t know, Moses Chandler served under George Washington in the Revolutionary War, then he found his way to Farmington and completed FCC’s prize possession in 1790, now known as the Chandler House. Just the mere fact that the house was built over 234 years ago, and it is still standing and being utilized is astonishing. So, with all of that being said, we are also raising money to get a new roof. This campaign will be an ongoing fundraiser until we can move forward with the roof. Would you or your church be willing to partner with FCC and donate monthly or annually to the project? Pray about it and let’s “RAISE THE ROOF”.
If you choose to help with one of our projects, you can click on the DONATION tab below. It will take you to another site called Tithe-ly and ask you to fill out your information. Once you are there you can choose to set up an account to be a regular donor or just a one-time donation. You will also see a dropdown box that says fund, please select which campaign you wish to donate to. All donations are very much appreciated. It will also ask you if you wish to cover the small percentage fee so we will get the entire amount you choose to donate, which that helps FCC a lot. If you would like to cover those fees for us, please click on the option to COVER FEES.
You may also send a check, but please make sure you write in the memo of your check what campaign it is for so we get it to the right place. Please make checks payable to Farmington Conference Center, PO Box 148, West Farmington, ME 04992. This is also tax deductible and you will receive a receipt for your donation.
Thank you for your time and consideration and thank you most of all for your prayers and support of the Farmington Conference Center.
Can you help?
~ Come experience God’s creation and rest in the beauty of Maine ~